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Beliefs, Religion, And Life’s Uncertainties

Death is inescapable. No one can tell when and where because it comes naturally and no one is ready for it. Death of a loved one is very painful because you will not see and be with that person anymore. Many times we cry over a funeral of our loved ones but as time passes by one is able to go through with it. The religion of a deceased will determine what type of funeral he has. We have several religions around the world and with different religions come different ways and belief on death.

Buddhist places great value in life. They do not often talk about death or the life after death. They focus more on longevity of life and health. They believe that the human body is filled with spirits, gods or demons. Death is seen as just another phase in life that one goes through. Thus when they die they do rituals to let the spirits be on guard of the human body. Buddhist funeral has a long history that comes from their ancestors. When it comes to funerals they have a ceremony to follow. In following this ceremony, it will help the deceased and his or her spirit is in peace. In their ceremony there is an altar upon which there is a sacred lamp placed therein, two candles, rice, water and tea. These things have different meanings in a Buddhist funeral. Some rites being performed during funeral include those for gaining merits for the deceased, protecting the body from demons, and blessings and protection for the family. The candle is lit up all the time before burial.

With different religions around the world, funeral packages vary depending on the religion of the deceased and family members. Usually the wishes of the deceased are what are being followed because it is the last wish a person. No one will try to change it as a sign of respect to the dead. Buddhist funeral package maintains a high respect on the wishes of the dead. The package may include some of the request of the dead in order to give his or her spirit peace. Because of the different denominations within Buddhism, the rites and rituals for the deceased can vary.

Different walks of life and religion live in Singapore. Funeral services in Singapore vary because of the presence of different religions. Various religions have their very own beliefs and funeral rites. These funeral services are in line with the religion of the deceased or the grieving family. Buddhist being one of the religions in Singapore has a different funeral service just like the other religions therein. The funeral services vary from the status and wish of the deceased. The funeral usually takes place in a person’s house or is held over an odd number of days. So the funeral service may set up the funeral in the house until the burial. For some, they may engage in the services of a funeral parlour, this way the set up and the place of funeral is held in the parlour.

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